Your Step By Step Solution to Building a Junior Leadership Team!

I'm so proud to be able to bring this programme to the Martial Arts community - it's one more pain I can help you to solve! I can't wait to see you all grow with it!

you want to grow your martial arts school - and that means developing a solid instructor team

But great instructors don't grow on trees!

The best teams are grown from within and trained to your own standards and with your clubs values and ethos at their core. Your reputation relies on great delivery. 

And we all know that being a great instructor is not always about having the best Martial Arts skills or highest possible belt grade, but rather being able to develop the ability to NURTURE students, SUPPORT progress and DEVELOP talent.  To create this kind of team, you need a structure, a programme, and resources that will help you identify, train and grow that team in a matter of months. We have done the prep work for you! 

The JLA programme has been carefully crafted to guide you in growing your instructor team along with your business, even identifying and developing your future instructors. It is designed to actively bring the training of your leadership team to the mats, supported by a programme plan and student resources, making the programme easy to follow and facilitate.

Some of our incredible Junior Leaders at G Force Martial Arts

Some of our Junior Leaders learning supporting students in our Tiny Titans Classes.

"Demonstrate your credibility as a business and your commitment to the development of your club and students with a structured, professional and effective programme for your future leaders."

Making it easy!

Martial Arts business owners and senior instructors have enough on their plate! Teaching, admin, business, finances, and all the rest of it... well I don't need to tell you how busy you are! 

So imagine you had an army of junior leaders - helping in classes, taking registers, preparing sessions, supporting events, and so much more. You can create this with a ready made resource that is adaptable to suit your specific requirements, and that can work for any number of recruits that you need for your business.

Welcome to the JLA!

The JLA 




To have minimal impact on instructors time, the responsibility is on the JLA member to attend their commitments and complete the evidence leaving instructors to do what they do best - train, coach, and develop.

To demonstrate to your members and parents that you have a commitment to the progress of the club and students by investing in a quality resource to develop future leaders.

To provide Martial Arts business owners with a realistic and productive way of developing their team and grow their business.

The JLA Package 



 24 page editable workbook

 6 month programme delivery plan example

 Editable templates for promotion, recruitment and onboarding

 Electronic and printable promotional resource samples

 Recruitment guidance and planning

 Completion certificates and process

 Full programme branding, including logo use permissions

 Presentation template slide deck

START as soon as YOU receive access

You will have immediate full access to the digital resources. So you will be able to download, edit, set your recruitment date, and start identifying your first intake for the programme!


Whether you want to recruit in groups or as a rolling programme, the resources will work! Create the system that works for you and build your junior leadership team at a pace suitable for you and your business structure.


Designed to ease your burden, all you have to do is implement the resources created for your. If you remain consistent, treating the JLA as you would any other training programme, you will plan, deliver and assess, and let the programme do the rest! 

Offering a programme like the JLA provides is an amazing thing for a club to do for its members... it is so much more than a resource for a business owner to grow a team. It provides OPPORTUNITIES for young people. It gives them RECOGNITION . It helps them grow in  CONFIDENCE . It shows them that someone sees their potential and believes in them. 

As well as personal development, the JLA programme can provide young people vital experiences that may not be accessible to them anywhere else. Whether their journey takes them on a path that leads to a Martial Arts career, or whether they pursue other passions, the JLA provides hard-to-find extra curricular evidence that can support future career development, job or educational applications, voluntary or internship scheme applications, and so much more!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Who is the Junior Leadership Academy for?

The programme is suitable for any member age 11 to 17. It is advised that team members are recruited based on their potential to become outstanding future leaders, rather than their current grade or physical skill level. Instead look for those who have demonstrated a commitment to your club, a passion for Martial Arts, and a personality that indicates they want to help and support others. Then use the programme to nurture these traits.

Question 2: Will the programme work for the style of Martial Arts taught in my club?

Yes! The programme is about developing leadership skills and training others in how to teach Martial Arts. It focusses on training your team in skills such as leadership, teamwork and communication, and knowledge areas such as business functions, structure, and the basics of sales and promotion. You will then deliver practical training to your team on how to apply this to the style you teach.

Question 3: What happens when I make the payment?

You will be connected to a sign up page, where you will need to create an account login. Once done, you will be sent a link to a sign in page where you will be able to access all of the electronic resources whenever you need them.

Question 4: How long will I be able to access the resources for?

You will have lifetime access to the resource area, for as long as the programme is available. This includes any programme updates and additional resources. Full guidance on access will be provided in the resources welcome area and our full terms of service.

Question 5: Will I get any printed resources?

No, this is a completely electronic resource available to access online and download for saving and editing. You may print any of the resources yourself, have printed professionally, or share them with your JLA trainees electronically. You are also provided with the logos to add to your club resources, promotional materials, and even JLA team uniforms or t-shirts if you so wish! Full guidance on using the JLA branding will be provided.

Question 6: Can I edit the resources?

All of the programme resources can be edited, used as templates, used as inspiration for your own creations, or adapted to suit any existing processes. It is important to us as the programme developers that JLA branding and programme is recognised nationwide as a quality service and is an indicator of a credible Martial Arts club with high standards, so it is requested that this is considered when creating, using and adapting any resources associated with the JLA brand.

Question 7: Can I use the JLA resources to supplement my existing programme?

Yes, you may either use the resources complete with the JLA branding, or replace the branding with your own leadership programme branding. The programme is created to be as adaptable as you need it to be, using some or all of the resources and structure to suit you.

Question 8: Can I use the JLA as a resource for adult instructor development?

No, The programme is designed and the content is written specifically to suit ages 11 to 17 and is a leadership development programme, not an instructor training programme. However, if run effectively, it is an ideal first step towards instructor development and training for your younger members. For more information on our Instructor Training programme for adults, contact one of our team at [email protected]

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Junior Leadership Programme © Martial Arts Business Mastery