You will have immediate full access to the digital resources. So you will be able to download, edit, set your recruitment date, and start identifying your first intake for the programme!
Here's what Richard Mallinson, owner of Sport Karate East has to say about the ITP:
"It’s provided me as the business owner of SPORT KARATE EAST freedom and time, so that I can work on the business not in the business. Freedom to have quality time with family and loved ones, time to think and act more strategic about the business.
ITP has enhanced the professionalism of our coaching staff and significantly impacted each of our coaching teams personal development massively. Implementing the ITP has demonstrated that we are modern outward looking organisation which is consistently striving to improve and provide personal development opportunities and a clear career pathways within SKE.
The return on investment was INSTANT and continues to provide a significant on going return. The content of the course is Degree Level and the additional ongoing support and mentoring provided throughout the process is world-class!"
The programme can be undertaken from around the age of 15. It is most suited to a more mature personality, but can also serve as an effective progression for any members who have previously completed a Junior Leadership programme, once you feel they are ready.
The content has been created to be fleixible in nature, and the person leading the programme will be able to use judgement to determine the extent to which they require the exercises included within the content to be completed. Younger members of the programme can study on a surface level, relying solely on the content within the workbooks, whilst more mature or more highly capable trainees (such as existing instructors being put through the programme or those with associated knowledge, academic ability or professions) may be encouraged to carry out additional studies or training.
The most important thing to consider when assessing a trainees completion of the programme content is whether they have completed the studies to the best of their ability and whether as a result, their level of understanding is sufficient enough for them to be able to instruct to your required standards and to be able to fulfil any other roles and responsibilities they have. You can also use the programme to identify strengths and nurture key traits, in readiness for employment on completion of the programme.
No. Although it is likely that you are looking to build a team, it can be included in the onboarding documentation that there is no guarantee of employment on completion. Business circumstances change, environmental factors change, or the trainee may not prove to be ready for employment, and may be required to undertake additional training. Make sure you are clear on this during recruitment onto the programme.
You may even find that the trainee does not want to be employed, may become an ad-hoc employee, or are wishing to complete the programme as a personal aspiration only. If all parties are clear on and happy with this agreement, then they can still take part in the programme. You will stlll have a dedicated trainnee for 12 months, while they complete the programme, and they will still be showcasing the opportunity to other potential future trainees.
Yes! The programme is about developing leadership skills, understanding the instructor role within the business, and training others in how to teach Martial Arts. It focusses on training your team in underpinning business and teaching knowledge, with knowledge, active and reflective exercises to assess their competence. You will then deliver practical training to your team on how to apply this to the style and students you teach.
Once you have followed a recruitment process, you will need to provide your trainees with the activity workbook and the module 1 workbook. You will also need to arrange a training session to support them with their underpinning knowledge. Then, each month, review the previous months workbook, check in on their activity workbook for progress, and issue and deliver training on the next module. Template presentation slide decks that mirror each modules content are provided for you.
It is crucial that the person responsible for running the programme is fully familiar with the content, and that they have ensured that the business has everything necessary in place and up to date prior to delivering each module. A great opportunity to continually assess business practices and policies!
The ITP is not about any particular discipline. It provide crucial underpinning knowledge required by any successful instructor. Some instructors have natural skills and pre-existing knowledge in certain areas, others need the training. This programme will pull all of that together to ensure that each instructor is teaching and supporting the business in the exact way you need and expect them to, with a mix of exercises that are reflective and hands-on.
Content includes communication skills, first impressions, attitude, teaching skills, customer service, culture, lesson planning, class structure, rapport, learning styles, teamwork, leadership, member retention, sales, understanding the business, health and safety, safeguarding, policies and procedures, and personal development and mindset... and more!
The programme is designed to be 12 months, with one module delivered per month. In some cases, where clubs have several locations, practicality has dictated that they deliver 2 modules every 2 months, however in this situation, you must still check in with your trainees for any support required.
It is possible to fast track the programme, but this is only recommended for existing instructors wishing to upskill or learn all of the programme contents themselves. The minimum compeltion time recommended for the programme is 6 months, due to the extent of content to be consumed, and the number of exercises included and the amount of time they should take to be effective.
If you choose to fast track the programme, you may need to advise your trainnes of adjustments to timescales in any units that recommend certain timescales, but the programme does have this kind of flexibility. Take care not to overwhelm your trainees just because you are looking for them to become qualified quickly - this can backfire.
No, this is a completely electronic resource available to access online via you client portal and download for saving and editing. You may print any of the resources yourself, have printed professionally, or share them with your ITP trainees electronically. You are also provided with the logos to add to your club resources, promotional materials, and even ITP team uniforms or t-shirts if you so wish! Full guidance on using the ITP branding will be provided.
All of the programme resources can be edited, used as templates, used as inspiration for your own creations, or adapted to suit any existing processes. Workbooks are provided as pdf files, but you do have permission to arrange edits. Note that the structure of the content has been carefully planned, so ensure before making any content edits that you have checked through the full programme to ensure it will not be of detriment to future modules. For example, exercises later in the programme refer back to previous module content, so you should make sure this is not affected, or that you make further necessary adjustments.
You also have full permission and guidance on how to use the ITP branding, and all files are provided with the ITP logo as standard. However you may make arrangements to replace the ITP branding with your own intructor programme branding should you wish.
You will have lifetime access to the resource area, for as long as the programme is available. This includes any programme updates and additional resources. Full guidance on access will be provided in the resources welcome area and our full terms of service.
It is crucial that the person delivering the programme has competent knowledge of the programme contents and is fully aware of the needs of the business, as well as clarity on how your particular club should deliver classes. But it need not be you. This responsibility can be your head instructor, or someone who has been trained to undertake this role. It is advisable that any person who is given this role completes the programme content themselves, even if this process is fast tracked, to ensure they themselves are competent.
There is absolutely the potential to earn from this programme! Some clubs choose to run this for free, but you must consider the commitment (or lack thereof) of trainees if they have not invested themselves. Have confidence that your delivery of this programme holds value! Not only will they be receiving high value, quality content, but they will also be benefitting from your own experience, coaching, mentorship and leadership.
We have seen clubs charge successfully for this programme between £199 and £799 per person!